Mobile and Contactless Check-In

Mobile and Contactless Check-In allows your incoming guests to check in at your Property WITHOUT first going to the front desk. Mobile/contactless check-in may be used with any reservation process - either at the Property directly, (in-person or by telephone), or using the External Web Reservation system. This enables you to streamline their check in process and increase efficiency at your Property. This does however mean that any mobile and contactless check-in makes assumptions about the reservation. Mobile/contactless check-in is for ONE ROOM reservations with no associated problems (no previous guest complaints or denials), made with a credit card only. Mobile/contactless check-In may be used for any reservations that fit these criteria. Other reservations will still need to be checked in at the front desk. Mobile/contactless check-in cannot be used if the reservation is for more than one room, if the guest account is not in good standing, or if a credit card is not currently on file for the reservation.

Note: It is not required that the credit card used in making the reservation is also used during the mobile/contactless check in, any credit card can be used. There just needs to be a credit card used during the reservation process to then use mobile/contactless check in.


Mobile/contactless check-ins may only take place on the reservation's day of arrival, after the Property's designated check-in time, in order to prevent errors.

Once a reservation has been checked in (has FOL status) using the mobile/contactless check-in process, the check-in time will have the designation "-M" applied the end to indicate that the guest checked in without visiting the front desk.


Mobile Check-In: The guest uses the URL link provided in the reservation confirmation email to reach the check-in screen, and after confirming their details receives the email providing access to the electronic key/code to enter the accommodation. This form of remote check-in should be utilized for your preferred guests ONLY, as it does not require a registration card to be signed nor a credit card swipe to allow the check-in to proceed. Mobile check-in assumes the guest has a "trusted" status already established and allows the guest to by-pass the kiosk step required using contactless check-in to get the key.

Contactless Check-In: This form of remote check-in may be used for ANY guest types, and requires a contactless "kiosk" (set up with a computer terminal/tablet, and an associated pin/EMV machine) where the incoming guest can find their reservation, digitally sign the registration card, and complete the credit card transaction before receiving the email providing the electronic key/code (as in mobile check in).

Skyware Systems offers both mobile AND contactless check-in options. Once set up, your Property may utilize either or both of these forms of remote check-in, depending on your preferences.




Date Updated August 18, 2021